XIAOMIربير ايميمشاكل وحلول

اصلاح ايمي مع حل مشكلة البصمة شاومي مي نوت 10\10برو مغلق بوت لودر (UFI)


إن عملية اصلاح الايمي ليست قانونية في بعض البلدان
منها سوريا وتركيا و الولايات المتحدة

يجب عليك اتباع و احترام القوانين في بلدك وعدم تجاوزها
الغرض من هذه المواضيع اصلاح رقم الايمي الذي تم فقدانه بسبب أخطاء برمجية
كاتب الموضوع و الموقع غير مسؤول عن اي عملية مخالفة لقوانين بلدك

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

نقدم لكم طريقة اصلاح ايمي مع حل مشكلة البصمة

شاومي مي نوت 10\10برو مغلق بوت لودر عن طريق البوكس العملاق UFI

ملاحظات مهمة :

1- العملية تحتاج الى  كريدي

2- سيرفر الشركة لا يعمل دائما

3- قد تحتاج الانتظار والتجربة عدة مرات ريثما يعمل السيرفر

4- الفريق يسمح لك بالتفليش 3 مرات عند حدوث خطا اثناء التفليش

نبدا بعملية التفليش

اولا نقوم باستخراج فلاشة المطورين ونضعه في مجلد باسم لا يحوي كلمة ENG

لتحميل الروم اضغط هنا

نفتح الاداة ثم نختار الموديل

ثم  كما في الصورة من رقم 1 نضغط على اشارة المجلد وننسخ الفلاشة الى المسار

ثم نختار الفلاشة

ونتاكد من الخيار UFS عند الرقم 2 في الصورة اعلاه

ونضغط FLASH

ثم نوصل الهاتف في وضعية EDL بعمل قصر للنقطتين كما في الصورة

Firmware package: note10
Scanning for Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 device...
Download Port: Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM56)
Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB:USB 2.10 High-Speed
USB Driver: [Qualcomm Incorporated] qcusbser, version:, date: 8-2-2017
MSM Serial number: 0x454c17ac
MSM HW ID: 0x000e60e1 (SM7150), OEM ID: 0x0072, MODEL ID: 0x0000
OEM Public Key Hash: 1bebe3863a6781db4b01086063007334de9e5ca14971c7c4f4358ec9d79cda4692ce5e948c6fd409408f4c919fcadfe3
SBL SW version: 2
Firehose: prog_ufs_firehose_sm7150_ddr.elf
hash: 27ad27d3a38795a3cfb0817b27cf2cdb6ad80f4e, size: 651.48 KiB
oem version: c4-miui-ota-bd12.bj
qc version: BOOT.XF.3.1-00235-SM6150LZB-1
variant: SDM7150LA
Sending firehose loader... Done
Sending ping... Done
INFO: Binary build date: Nov 10 2019 17:53:05 
INFO: Chip serial num: 1162614700 (0x454c17ac)
Sending configurations... 
ERROR: Only nop and sig tag can be recevied before authentication.
[SERVER] XIAOMI_FL [tucana,454c17ac] ref id: XF07454413245, cost: 4, your balance: 7
MemoryName: UFS
DateTime: Nov 10 2019 - 17:53:05
Version: 1
Firehose configured.
Storage type: UFS
Manufacturer ID: 0x12C (Micron)
Product name: 128GB-UFS-MT 9QSV, fw_rev: 0x00, serial number: 0x43524F4E
Storage id: MICRON 128GB-UFS-MT 9QSV 
Capacity: 119.19 GiB(127,976,603,648 bytes)
LUN 0: 117.95 GiB
LUN 1: 8 MiB
LUN 2: 8 MiB
LUN 3: 32 MiB
LUN 4: 1 GiB
LUN 5: 160 MiB

Processing LUN 0
Writing PrimaryGPT at 0x00000000 (6 sectors)... Done
Writing switch at 0x00006000 (2 sectors)... Done
Writing imagefv at 0x00200000 (7 sectors)... Done
Writing misc at 0x00400000 (1024 sectors)... Done
Writing logfs at 0x01000000 (4 sectors)... Done
Writing devinfo at 0x03000000 (1 sectors)... Done
Writing vendor at 0x24000000 (334017 sectors)... Done
Writing system at 0xA4000000 (375184 sectors)... Done
Writing recovery at 0x1D8000000 (32768 sectors)... Done
Writing cache at 0x1E0000000 (41 sectors)... Done
Writing cust at 0x1F8000000 (4701 sectors)... Done
Writing userdata at 0x238000000 (143 sectors)... Done
Writing BackupGPT at NUM_DISK_SECTORS-5. (5 sectors)... Done
Applying DISK patch... Done
Processing LUN 1
Writing PrimaryGPT at 0x00000000 (6 sectors)... Done
Writing xbl_config at 0x00006000 (21 sectors)... Done
Writing xbl at 0x00086000 (1199 sectors)... Done
Writing BackupGPT at NUM_DISK_SECTORS-5. (5 sectors)... Done
Applying DISK patch... Done
Processing LUN 2
Writing PrimaryGPT at 0x00000000 (6 sectors)... Done
Writing xbl_configbak at 0x00006000 (21 sectors)... Done
Writing xblbak at 0x00086000 (1199 sectors)... Done
Writing BackupGPT at NUM_DISK_SECTORS-5. (5 sectors)... Done
Applying DISK patch... Done
Processing LUN 3
Writing PrimaryGPT at 0x00000000 (6 sectors)... Done
Writing cdt at 0x0000E000 (51 sectors)... Done
Writing BackupGPT at NUM_DISK_SECTORS-5. (5 sectors)... Done
Applying DISK patch... Done
Processing LUN 4
Writing PrimaryGPT at 0x00000000 (6 sectors)... Done
Writing multiimgoem at 0x00006000 (8 sectors)... Done
Writing secdata at 0x00016000 (4 sectors)... Done
Writing qupfw at 0x00040000 (13 sectors)... Done
Writing qupfwbak at 0x00060000 (13 sectors)... Done
Writing apdp at 0x00080000 (64 sectors)... Done
Writing msadp at 0x000C0000 (64 sectors)... Done
Writing vbmeta at 0x00100000 (1 sectors)... Done
Writing storsec at 0x00120000 (5 sectors)... Done
Writing devcfg at 0x00180000 (11 sectors)... Done
Writing devcfgbak at 0x001C0000 (11 sectors)... Done
Writing aop at 0x00200000 (40 sectors)... Done
Writing aopbak at 0x00280000 (40 sectors)... Done
Writing cmnlib at 0x00400000 (96 sectors)... Done
Writing cmnlibbak at 0x00500000 (96 sectors)... Done
Writing cmnlib64 at 0x00600000 (124 sectors)... Done
Writing cmnlib64bak at 0x00700000 (124 sectors)... Done
Writing keymaster at 0x00900000 (58 sectors)... Done
Writing keymasterbak at 0x00A00000 (58 sectors)... Done
Writing bluetooth at 0x00B00000 (187 sectors)... Done
Writing uefisecapp at 0x01A00000 (31 sectors)... Done
Writing uefisecappbak at 0x01C00000 (31 sectors)... Done
Writing abl at 0x02000000 (51 sectors)... Done
Writing ablbak at 0x02200000 (51 sectors)... Done
Writing tz at 0x02400000 (493 sectors)... Done
Writing tzbak at 0x02800000 (493 sectors)... Done
Writing hyp at 0x03800000 (95 sectors)... Done
Writing hypbak at 0x04000000 (95 sectors)... Done
Writing dtbo at 0x05800000 (8192 sectors)... Done
Writing logo at 0x0B800000 (6081 sectors)... Done
Writing dsp at 0x0F800000 (16384 sectors)... Done
Writing boot at 0x13800000 (32768 sectors)... Done
Writing modem at 0x27800000 (32867 sectors)... Done
Writing BackupGPT at NUM_DISK_SECTORS-5. (5 sectors)... Done
Applying DISK patch... Done
Processing LUN 5
Writing PrimaryGPT at 0x00000000 (6 sectors)... Done
Writing fsg at 0x00006000 (2048 sectors)... Done
Writing fsc at 0x00806000 (1 sectors)... Done
Writing modemst1 at 0x00A00000 (2048 sectors)... Done
Writing modemst2 at 0x01200000 (2048 sectors)... Done
Writing BackupGPT at NUM_DISK_SECTORS-5. (5 sectors)... Done
Applying DISK patch... Done

Flashing completed in 2 mins 30.533 s

You have used 1 out of 10 slot for today.
You have used 1 available XIAOMI_FL slot for this phone, you have 2 try left to try again in case this task fails.
Please pay attention to the error messages and spesific hints before retry !!!
You are paying for authorization access and NOT the task, there is no refund for failed tasks and tasks with 3 retry
Refunds are only for failed tasks because of server issues, software issues or bugs and unknown problem with no retry !!!
You may retry the task for more times without further authorization as long as you don't unplug the USB cable.

Boot authorization has been reported successfully.To keep the boot state authorized, DO NOT unplug the USB cable, change brand/model selection or closing the application


بعد الانتهاء من التفليش قم بعملية ريبير ايمي كالمعتاد

ثم فلش روم رسمي عن طريق الفاست بوت عن طريق اي اداة مجانية

ومبروك عليك ريبير ايمي بدون مشاكل




jack mandel

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